Philippines, Davao City – Harah Jhene Villeza
I play drums in the church but I'm not the drummer i want to practice it more and more for the glory of God.
Philippines, Manila – Derrick Gonzaga
hi i'm derrick now 36yo.proud to say i pick up sticks quite late at age 26.but God has a plan for me,that is to be His drummer! and started day one i begin to learn drums in various ways.i enroll in a drum school,i listen to cd's,keep on AIR DRUMMING and many tot id go crazy! but that didnt stop me.i go see many live playing of other church drummer and pickup what new style,or technique. coz my goal is to be one of the greatest drummer in Gods sight. i keep practicing to achieve my goal.after 3 years im a professional drummer already.Thank God He gave talents as well as in singing Last 3 years ago was my greatest moment playing in front of 1,000 people in a SPECIAL CONFERENCE!!! THE HEAD PASTOR FROM SAN JOSE,CALIFORNIA COMPLIMENT ME, "NOT BAD"!! i was OVERWHELMED because thats the first time he praise somebody HOPE MY STORY COULD ME AN INSPIRATION TO MANY.